The creative process of constructing a garment is very personal, but I have decided to let you all in on that process and in the process you can get a deeper understanding of who I am. So basically my design aesthetic is "Fashionable Superhero" (I wish I could have come up with a cooler way to say it...but it's that's about all I can give right now) But anyway...when people wear my clothing, I want everyone to look at them like "wow!, they're sooo cool...I wonder who they are...." Recently I've been in a bit of an "armor" phase. Since armor tends to give shape to the body and instant masculinity to even the scrawniest of individuals (I'm currently focusing on menswear since I'll have to be my own "mouthpiece" when it comes to getting the word about Will White and the "JeDure"© label) I knew that was where I wanted to focus my research (note: fashion is cyclical, and everything you see has been done before in some way, shape, or form...just innovated upon) So In my research I noticed some accents that I liked from the mid 16th century, the romantic period of the 1820s-40s, and even influence drawn from the riding armor of the Spanish Conquistadors. Then....I sketched out my thoughts...
......from there, it was time to do some draping (this is where you make the pattern for what you've drawn by literally draping your fabric onto a tailor's form and contouring the desired silhouette with a marker, chalk, or pen....I prefer marker)
(first I mark with tape the place where my seams will fall so that I can make individual pattern pieces to get my desired shape once it's all done)
*note: This design calls for a strong shoulder so I've included shoulder pads, and had to place them on the form while draping so that my pattern will allow room for them
(when making your pattern you use an inexpensive type of fabric called's similar to linen but not as textured...they're in the same family)
After the initial planning of your pattern, you have to "true-up" all of your lines so that you won't run into too many fit problems as your garment progresses. If you don't true-up your pattern you could end up with a sleeve that's too short on one side and too long on the other
Now all there's left to do in this part is to cut out your pattern then it's time to use it to cut your fabric out!!
To be continued.....
AHHH! Can't wait! :o)
ReplyDeleteGreat progress!!!
ReplyDeleteYes! I can see it already. I am seeing you on project runway in the future...I have high hopes for you Will White, Jr. You go boy!